LCAS is a web application which has been developed especially for water sport or even more precisely for the complexity of lifesaving competitions which could be held in pool, beach and open water areas. To make this tool as good and useful as possible, a lot of know-how and experiences from athletes, referees and event organizers from all over Europe were considered during the development of this web application.
... for atheltes
For atheltes, it is always good to know about the provided services at a competition.
LCAS offers you the complete access to all your results which you have been ever reached on a event where LCAS was used. No more copying of result- and ranking lists, all data available everywhere and everytime online in your own personal and private account on LCAS.
... for coaches
LCAS for coaches greatly simplifies event registrations as well as the result overview of your athlets. You always have an overview of all your registrations, upcoming events and can quickly access past events at any time. Furthermore, you can easily keep an eye on your athletes and their development and have direct access to their results in the system
... for event managers
LCAS support you during your hole event on the administration side. It begins with the team or athelte registration, goes further with the division of the start lists, the recording and evalutaion of the winner and much more.
No more time-consuming:
- team / athlete registrations over mail and spreadsheets
- complicated and elaborate start list evaluation
- result evaluations and ranking lists
LCAS was developed and built for the CISM World Championships 2014.